Securi-tea: wtf is encryption?
Aug 14, 2020
Encryption Encryption is as old as secrets. Stated simply - to encrypt something means to hide or obscure it using a secret method. Word Salad Let’s look at an example using a type of encryption called a “Shift Value”. A shift value substitutes a letter’s numeric position in the alphabet...
The Zen Art of Hardware Maintenance
Jul 27, 2020
Foolish words about consumer electronics While I was finishing cabling my last build, I stopped to reflect on how it reignited a passion that I feared may have been lost. I was able to do something I’ve not been able to do in a long time: I was able to...
This Machine
Jul 23, 2020
This Machine Kills Fascists. This Machine is a return to my “Confidence is Quiet” roots. It’s a machine that’s not trying so hard to show it’s sophistication. As always, this build enjoys a new set efficiencies over any of my previous systems: 100% Linux. No more dual-booting into an adware...
Jun 13, 2020
Felt cute; might delete l8r 💁♀️ This site started in one direction and quickly became exhausting. It’s still in the commit history and could be resurrected or expanded later. 🤷 I still have a lot of content from an old site that focused on providing actionable ways for people to...