Misc. Updates.
Brain Storms.
Brains seem like such poorly designed system…I mean, it’s a lump of fat with some electricity running through it. What’s the best case scenario there?
Anyway, I’m determined to not let this blog die…at least not in the same way my others have died…
Believe it or not - the field of Technology is an ever shifting ecosystem.
One day you’re working at a Bay Area social media network, content with the role you’re playing on the world stage…
And later that afternoon, a shitposting-goblin-techbro decides to buy out your employer for a sum that’s more than most countries GDP.
The whole fucking internet is full of masturbatory hot-takes of self-absorbed shit-lords vying for your attention.
The stoic technologist character is already played out - so I try not to contribute to all the needless noise out here.
Most blogs (including this one) are just conversations nobody wants to have with you IRL.
With that said - my previous post about at least maintaining active drafts still holds up. This keeps my scraps that may never see the light of day bundled nicely with the finished posts.
It’s wild out there. Be strange; don’t be a stranger. 👋️ 🖤️